Harvey Dunn Harvey Dunn

Carbon Tunnel Vision

Carbon can be calculated and therefore corporations are leveraging it to claim ‘net zero’ or sell credits and profit! Carbon and it’s role is misunderstood.

We don’t have a ‘Carbon’ problem. We have a storage problem.

Too much carbon is in our atmosphere in the form of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Too little carbon is in the soil. This fuels the hidden killer: water cycling.

No soil carbon > no capacity to store water > no ability to grow plants > no photosynthesis > no storage of carbon.

This is better viewed as a cycle, not a linear progression.

A cycle, like the wheel going round on a bicycle, is moving and so can be stopped.

Here’s the stick in the spokes:

Well managed livestock and cropping practices can build soil that holds carbon, therefore water, therefore more plants. What do plants do? Suck CO2 up and store it in the soil! Louder for the ones at the back!

Decarbonise the atmosphere.

REcarbonise the soil and therefore our economies.

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“Ultimately, the only wealth that can sustain any community, economy or nation is derived from the photosynthetic process - green plants growing on regenerating soil.”

— Allan Savory